I'm studying MATHEMATICS at NTNU

Courses I have taken:Number of times I have taken them:
Autumn 1996:
Examen philosophicum1.0
Autumn 1997:
MA 100, Grunnkurs i analyse (elementary calculus)1.0
MA 104, Tallteori (number theory)1.0
MA 108, Lineær algebra (linear algebra), first of two terms1.0
Spring 1998:
MNFMA 108, Lineær algebra (linear algebra), second of two terms1.0
MNFMA 109, Flerdimensjonal analyse (vector calculus)1.0
MNFMA 012, Elementær diskret matematikk (elementary discrete mathematics)1.0
MNFST 101, Sannsynlighet og statistikk I (probability and statistics I)1.0
Autumn 1998:
MNFMA 001, Brukerkurs i matematikk (applied mathematics)1.0
MNFMA 205, Algebra1.0
MNFMA 213, Differensialligninger og fourieranalyse (differential equations and fourier analysis)2.0
MNFMA 215, Videregående lineær algebra (advanced linear algebra)1.0
MNFIT 100, Basisfag informatikk (introduction to computer science)1.0
MNFIT 111, Grunnkurs programmering (basic programming)1.0
Spring 1999:
MNFMA 214, Funksjonsteori (complex analysis)1.0
MNFMA 219, Reell analyse (real analysis)1.0
MNFMA 321, Abstrakt algebra (abstract algebra), first of two terms1.0
MNFIT 112, Algoritmer og datastrukturer (algorithms and data structures)1.0
MNFIT 167, Databaseteknikk (database systems)1.0
Autumn 1999:
MNFMA210, Matematikk fagdidaktikk (mathematics education)1.0
MNFMA217, Videregående diskret matematikk (advanced discrete mathematics)1.0
MNFMA 321, Abstrakt algebra (abstract algebra), second of two terms1.0
Spring 2000:
MNFMA 327, Ringteori (ring theory)2.0
MNFIT223, Datakommunikasjon og distribuerte systemer (data communications and distributed systems)1.0
Autumn 2000:
MNFMA 330, Homologisk algebra (homological algebra)1.0

MNFMA 108, Lineær algebra (linear algebra), autumn 1998
MNFMA 109, Flerdimensjonal analyse (vector calculus), spring 1999
MNFMA 108, Lineær algebra (linear algebra), autumn 1999

Tomas Torp